Addicted written by Stan at



written by: Stan



Addicted. Not to cheap medication
that clouds my vision.

Addicted. Not to synthetics destroying
me from the inside out.

Addicted. Not to brews that make my head
hurt in the morning.

Addicted to stories unfolding amidst lovecraftian worlds far beyond our own.

Addicted to exploring dreamy landscapes outside of the boundaries of our own imagination.

Addicted to channeling all my pain and struggle through the pen and not letting it bottle up on the inside.

Addicted to being inspired by so many beautiful people.

Addicted to feeling love, hate, sorrow, happiness, pain, pleasure and so much more.

Addicted to creating.
Addicted to shaping and giving life to my vision.
Addicted to being a poet, even if an unknown one.

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