The Gray River Bridge Incident Doug Donnan·June 20, 2019The Gray River Bridge Incident written by: Doug Donnan Southwest Missouri / The Springfield Plateau Region /...LiteratureEnglish·4 mins read
The Undertakers Doug Donnan·May 9, 2019The Undertakers ‘Hooray for Hollywood’ written by: Wrench and Doug Somewhere deep in the jungles of South...LiteratureEnglish·11 mins read
Monkey Wrench Doug Donnan·March 23, 2019Monkey Wrench written by: Wrench and Doug Dedicated to Buzz 1970/Cambodia/Approximately 0500 hours It’s irrelevant to...Featured PostLiteratureEnglish·6 mins read
Sand Script Doug Donnan·February 28, 2019Sand Script written by: Doug Donnan The message was clear when the letters were new Etched in...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Trap Doug Donnan·February 5, 2019The Trap written by: Doug Donnan Somewhere inside the Sonora Desert “A trap?” Campbell all but shouted....LiteratureEnglish·3 mins read
Raven Ridge Doug Donnan·January 14, 2019Raven Ridge written by: Doug Donnan Approximately 30 miles due south of Flagstaff Arizona (As the crow...LiteratureEnglish·4 mins read
Strange and Mysterious Ways Doug Donnan·December 16, 2018Strange and Mysterious Ways written by: Doug Donnan “Tell us professor just how often does this alignment...Featured Post12 Days of ChristmasLiteratureEnglishChristmas·6 mins read
The Bubble (‘Freedom at any Cost’) Doug Donnan·December 14, 2018The Bubble (‘Freedom at any Cost’) written by: Doug Donnan A single bubble trapped at the very...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Fangs Doug Donnan·November 25, 2018Fangs written by: Doug Donnan A full moon, a winged bat, a lithe intruding shape Dead slits...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Hobbleslag Doug Donnan·October 26, 2018Hobbleslag (The Creature of the Grimpen Mire) written by: Doug Donnan Motherwell, North Lanarkshire / Scotland /...HalloweenEnglishFeatured Post13 Days of HalloweenLiterature·13 mins read
In The End Doug Donnan·August 30, 2018In The End written by: Doug Donnan In the end, God in his omnipotence, turned his back...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Best of Times Doug Donnan·August 9, 2018The Best of Times A ‘Metronome Poem’ written by: Doug Donnan ‘The Poetic Patience of the Metronome’...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
‘Whiskey’ (A Cowboy’s Prayer) Doug Donnan·July 22, 2018‘Whiskey’ (A Cowboy’s Prayer) written by: Doug Donnan “Dear Lord, please hear my prayer,” he whispered with...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
Stars Doug Donnan·June 30, 2018Stars written by: Doug Donnan The stars are God’s shimmering diamonds in the night Gems in an...PoetryEnglish·1 min read