Heavenly Nuggets
Heavenly Nuggets written by: Paula Puolakka, Pete Leonard, Frank Kanankoipi - The implementation of time travel...
Paula Puolakka (1982) - Intergalactic-Planetary Healing Communicator (Biological and Environmental Sciences, Planetary Well-Being) - Service Design & Customer Service Expert - MA (History of Science and Ideas). In June 2024, Puolakka passed her extra courses (JYU,) earning the status of Intergalactic-Planetary Healing Communicator. In May 2024, her books no. eight, nine, and ten - prepaid by Mr. Theodore John Kaczynski - came out. The free PDFs are available for private reading on LinkedIn. In 2022, UTU gave her appreciation: her academic article - celebrating her fieldwork, based on the work of Mr. Kaczynski - was published by KABI. In April 2021, Puolakka won the second prize in the "Lahti, the European Green Capital 2021" writing competition. Her story celebrated "Teddy." In Dec, she landed second in the writing contest monitored by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment. In Dec 2020, the PhDs of TAU gave her appreciation: her academic article - celebrating her Master's thesis of 2012 and the academic legacy of Mr. Kaczynski & Mr. Wittgenstein - was published by Hybris. In 2019, The Finnish Reserve Officers' Federation gave her an honorable mention, honoring the academic legacy of Mr. Wittgenstein & Mr. Kaczynski.