Autumn Storm written by Josie Dee at

Autumn Storm

Autumn Storm

written by: Josie Dee



Skeletal hands claw at the blackened sky
As nature fights nature, tooth and nail
Leaves fly viciously, slicing the wind
As the beauty of Autumn turns pale
Roots slip and slide through concrete
Clutching at falling feet in the rain
The once crisp, crunchy carpet of leaves
Are sludge and their colour is drained
Welcoming winter with a grey-blue glow
Trees reaching for the fractures of light
The sun dully lights thunderous clouds
People bracing ‘gainst the breeze with might
They now wade through the dregs that cling
The beauty of Autumn turned liar
In limbo of a colourless landscape
Tentatively aware of each moment
Stuttering through the overcast streets
Step the footsteps that once kicked fire

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