Discover the Discovered? poetry at by Anne G

Discover the Discovered?

Discover the Discovered?

A Poem

by Anne G

Stories foretold

of places imagined,

by men of ambition

greed and desire.

Vikings – Conquistadors

adventurers all,

seamen and sailors

daring and bold.

Some fueled by pride,

by country and queen.

Others by fortune,

silver and gold.

Visions of plunder,

possessed by their schemes.

Ignoring all dangers

and risks, unforeseen.

Perilous oceans,

rivers and seas;

mountains and jungles,

death and disease.

Great civilizations,

Aztec and Inca – Mayan much more,

infinite cultures,

centuries old.

Taking by force,

what was not theirs to take;

usurping the lands

of millions untold.

Worlds within worlds,

ancient and new;

the past and the present,

the known and unknown.

Discover the discovered

how can that be?

The natives belonging

I’m sure disagreed.

The fighting was fierce,

the losses were great;

when the dust finally settled,

America, was home.

[bctt tweet=”Worlds within worlds ancient and new the past and the present the known and unknown … “]

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