written by: Nidhi Agrawal
Why are you oblivious of the
eclipse — lunar and solar?
I slide into the blackouts and
swoon at the sight
of light,
every time
your third eye is latched.
Without you
caves are massacred
lions and bears go unsheltered.
my love is unrequited and
the Sun is diagnosed with depression.
Oh lord of the highest peaks!
Cast a glance at me.
Why are you oblivious of the
eclipse — Lunar and Solar?
My knees collide against the mountains
to find you.
Grief pours into the slurry
between the gullies of
Sun and the Earth.
Hope descends into the receptacle of death.
My skin is lacerated by
the voracity of the wolves sent by the demons.
Oh lord of the highest peaks!
Without you,
lands are demarcated
stars scatter
and the moon overpasses its lunacy.