I Will Not Tell You What My Heart Feels, poetry by Vineetha Mekkoth at Spillwords.com
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I Will Not Tell You What My Heart Feels

I Will Not Tell You What My Heart Feels

written by: Vineetha Mekkoth


I will not tell you what my heart feels for
It spasms; a bird shot down in flight. It is white and blood dribbles from the hole in its white curve
Your gun smokes from the words fired
I shall not fetch the bird for you to deplume
And roast tender over a slow fire
Better that it lies unseen in the undergrowth
Better that it spasms and stops, giving up its ghost when done
I have watched my belongings scatter and wash up on the shores
I could not stop the case before it fell and floated to the sea. I hurried but watched desperately as it caught in the eddies and crashed on the rocks
Now I gather what I find and hope that those found by others will be returned to me
I sense my shame as the contents of my case float for all to see. Some are gathered by others and some, the more intimate are not, deliberately
I hope for kindness and do not hear the mocking laughter that falls upon my ears
I listen selectively to the words uttered by some to comfort me and am glad for these
I know that you are not around. I know that you will not be. Instinctively. I wonder if you know. I wait for when you will come. I wait hopefully. I wait with the hope that you will comfort me. I do not know whether you will come or comfort. There’s that uncertainty. Still, I hope.
I struggle with myself and I know that I have to continue with what I do in spite of my tears, in spite of the laughter that I wish not to hear but do, of the jealous twang that underlies it, wishing to hold me back, wishing to shatter me and I decide not to succumb.
Living is painful. It has been so for everyone, for every creature. Creature- created for what purpose? Does creation have a purpose? Or is it man looking for meaning in something that does not? Is existence just that?
I watch this metaphysical train of thought taking me from the darkness, chugging out hopefully into the light.
Maybe I should just sleep. The dream had materialised my disturbed thoughts. Disturbed since years. I think of sending this to you and wonder if you will understand. Is it my ego that wants to or my spasming heart or both, I wonder. As I write I have decided to let things be. And then I send.
I will watch me. I like it better that way.

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