Old Friends, poetry written by Aaron Marchant at Spillwords.com

Old Friends

Old Friends

written by: Aaron Marchant

I’m not a ‘people person’ so it’s said, I do not mind,
Though, some of my very best friends are of the human kind.

There’s John Keats and John Betjeman, John Milton and John Clare.
There’s Walter Scott and Walt Whitman and Walter De la Mare.

There’s Christina Rossetti and the Brontë siblings too,
Elizabeth Barrett, Sylvia Plath to name only a few.

And then there is Debussy and Dvorak and Delibes
and Handel, Bach, and Beethoven, Vivaldi, Liszt, and Grieg.

Not forgetting René Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Voltaire
and Shakespeare, Wilde and Chekhov, Bertolt Brecht and Moliere

And I sometimes spend an evening with Marilyn Monroe,
Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman or Garbo.

Yet still, some people will accuse me of misanthropy?
If only they themselves could boast as many friends as me.

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