Pedicure Weekends
written by: Kashiana Singh
Foliaged summertime
A woman slowly massaged
Sterilized of fishy smells
Breathing arms
A coconut lotion forgets
Settling sand in seas
Meandering thoughts
A crusted day heals
In-spite of the moon
Shimmering colors
A perfect weekend rustles
Under an austere tree
Kashiana Singh, 51, is a management professional by job classification and a work practitioner by personal preference. Kashiana’s TEDx talk was dedicated to the topic - Work as Worship. Kashiana used her fascination for writing and teaching as life hacks to find the hidden moments of worship in daily tasks, chores, and duties. Her poetry collection, Shelling Peanuts and Stringing Words is written as a participant and an observer. She dips into very vulnerable and personal contexts but also explores the shifting tectonic plates of the world around her.
She is from India, now lives in Chicago and bridges the miles by regularly etching her thoughts on her wordpress poetry blog – kashiana.
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