Ramblings, poetry by Maria Dulce Leitão Reis at Spillwords.com
Museums Victoria



written by: Maria Dulce Leitão Reis


Oh if you knew what I feel like!Ramblings, poetry by Maria Dulce Leitão Reis at Spillwords.com
You can start guessing,
come on, I’ll give you a hand.
Is it a tomato salad,
new onion, crispy pepper,
seasoned with olive oil,
oregano and a pinch of salt?
Is it a visit to the ruins of Conimbriga,
to kill nostalgia of my student time?
Is it coming back to Angola
and revive the places of my childhood
where did I kid and was happy?
I still see with amazing clarity,
the bunch of bananas
hanging on the back balcony.
I still taste the sugar cane cut by my dad.
I see him cut the cane with a pocketknife.
His image is in front of me,
trousers, shirt, tie and suspenders.
Still see the guinea pigs in the cage,
in the back of the house
and the little monkey Xico
jumping under the porch
where was the washing tank.
In that time
there were still no washing machines,
at least 60 years ago we didn’t have.

It’s nice to remember
such happy memories.
It’s no use continuing
helping you guess what I feel like,
because you will not get there.
I got lost in my ramblings,
I was happy reliving happy
and memorable moments of my life
that no longer matters what I feel like,
maybe a handful of wild blackberries,
that I can eat tomorrow on the walking.

What I wanted,
was that people were friendly,
supportive, honest, human.
There is no more and no less
Either it is or it isn’t.
This procedure
would be a valuable contribution
for a fair, balanced and happy world!

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