Rocking Chairs written by Vickie Mryczko at

Rocking Chairs

Rocking Chairs

written by: Vickie Mryczko



Two rocking chairs of oak were presented one day;
a secret gift crafted, to relax and play

This kind Sir, widdled wood for many weeks;
a loving surprise, as happy tears, fell down her cheeks

A small token, for his lovely new bride;
their initials he carved, with excitement and pride

They sit upon a quaint, little porch;
protected from rain and the Sun’s yellow scorch

The chairs are fashioned exactly the same;
this precious union, a beautifully lit flame

Adorning this space, planters are in full bloom;
spilling colors, as bright as a full moon

Hanging baskets of brilliant green ferns;
dance in circles, slowly they turn

Fashioned from tin, dainty dragonflies sing in the breeze;
the melodies of a collision, surviving through heat and freeze

These chairs have rocked, so many times;
a rhythmic motion to accompany the dangling chimes

They held hands here, for so many years;
a love so true, undying and clear

A safe perch, to sit together and always gaze;
from this life to the next, a warm, safe embrace…

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