Who Waits Robyn MacKinnon·February 25, 2024Who Waits written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat Ah, the beginning who waits long at the ferry this...EnglishRobyn Finds PoetryRobyn MacKinnonPoetry·1 min read
End, Middle, Beginning Spillwords·August 6, 2023End, Middle, Beginning a poem by: Anne Sexton There was an unwanted child. Aborted by three modern...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Gone Missing Carl "Papa" Palmer·July 26, 2023Gone Missing written by: Carl “Papa” Palmer As the new day awaits its morning sun, the blank page...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Indefinible Jose A Gomez·May 10, 2023Indefinible written by: José A Gómez ¿Cómo definir el tiempo?, tu que lo eres todo, pasas a...PoetryJose A GomezSpanish·1 min read
Hard Landing Lisa Reynolds·January 5, 2023Hard Landing written by: Lisa Reynolds In the beginning, there was a brick house with thin walls,...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Circle of Life Philomena Daly·October 8, 2022Circle of Life written by: Philomena Daly Tears were in my eyes As I said goodbye to...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Life Begins When One Ends Lei Writses·June 10, 2022Life Begins When One Ends written by: Lei Writses Life begins, dense it ends, when thou be...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Reincarnation Leonard Ifeanyi Ugwu, Jr.·March 10, 2022Reincarnation the beginning from the end written by: Leonard Ifeanyi Ugwu, Jr. I Let us judge the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
PIEŚŃ O POCZĄTKU Konrad Stawiarski·June 13, 2021PIEŚŃ O POCZĄTKU written by: Konrad Stawiarski Chciałbym nadzieję na czysty sens życia zostawić. Odnajdując siebie- w...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
Inútil Jose A Gomez·June 6, 2021Inútil written by: José A Gómez Inútil ha sido el esfuerzo Entre mas se trata no hay...Jose A GomezSpanishPoetry·1 min read
Winter Sun Jacqueline Mead·February 11, 2020Winter Sun written by: Jacqueline Mead @Jackiem158 At the start of a clear crisp winter’s day Our...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
It’s Over DeWayne Moore·August 5, 2019It’s Over written by: DeWayne Moore @MtZionFund Days that pass, they seem to agree I apply myself...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Hoping Yet Tebatjo Malaka·July 6, 2019Hoping Yet written by: Tebatjo Malaka @RSeedOfAbraham I concur. None can glory all the time, I must...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Spring Time Alisa Guttadauro·April 27, 2019Spring Time written by: Alisa Guttadauro Budding flowers, April showers, That’s how Spring begins, Shedding covers, Hummingbirds...EnglishPoetry·1 min read