Oh! You are Home Annah Atane·March 30, 2024Oh! You are Home written by: Annah Atane I am, defying my eyes of sleep standing at...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Passing Notes James Nelli·March 18, 2024Passing Notes written by: James Nelli Even after forty-seven years, the moment she walked through the door,...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
The Little Things Saanvi Patra·March 6, 2024The Little Things written by: Saanvi Patra They’re the little things that make the biggest differences, impacts...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
All Fear The Great Bear Joel O'Flaherty·February 29, 2024All Fear The Great Bear written by: Joel O’Flaherty @byjoeloflaherty Sila believes that this will be the...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·10 mins read
Flowering Maples Maria Quernel·February 28, 2024Flowering Maples written by: Maria Quernel @Maria1A_ flowering maples the breeze blows close to our hearts autumnal...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Tasseography Dominic Rivron·February 22, 2024Tasseography written by: Dominic Rivron I drop into The Corner Café most afternoons, on my way home...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·11 mins read
My Transformation Eric Shelman·February 20, 2024My Transformation written by: Eric Shelman Continuously failed fallen, chosen wretchedness over happiness Being mentally damaged, hurt...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Uh, Oh! That Did Not Age Well Alin Nagraj·February 11, 2024Uh, Oh! That Did Not Age Well written by: Alin Nagraj @alin_nagraj In our quest to become...LiteratureArticleEnglish·6 mins read
Perestroika: An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth João Cerqueira·February 10, 2024Perestroika: An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth written by: João Cerqueira It is...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·4 mins read
See Me Abagail Summers·February 1, 2024See Me written by: Abagail Summers Smog drifts through my branches. I can no longer grow as...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Any Change, Love? Ger White·January 29, 2024Any Change, Love? written by: Ger White Can you spare me some change, love? I looked at...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Stuck in The Middle Tamar Gvelesiani·January 29, 2024Stuck in The Middle written by: Tamar Gvelesiani @Tako165 As the Sun glittered my mortal face I...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Tectonic Shifts Michael Zeller·January 26, 2024Tectonic Shifts written by: Michael Zeller @Zell_man Beneath my feet I feel the rumble rise Tectonic movements...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
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