Calmer Seas beachglass·February 17, 2023Calmer Seas Song for Manatees written by: beachglass floating just beneath the blue green sifting slowly through...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A Summer’s Day at The Beach Pauline Ludgate·October 6, 2022A Summer’s Day at The Beach written by: Pauline Ludgate @Pauline_ludgate As the glistening waves ebb over...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
One Star Sharon Frame Gay·September 22, 2022One Star written by: Sharon Frame Gay @sharonframegay All I need is one star to guide me....Featured PostLiteratureEnglish·9 mins read
Dreams The hairy bum welder·July 25, 2022Dreams written by: the hairy bum welder Who are you in my dreams? As I drift off...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Dreams Don’t Die Patricia McCabe·July 7, 2021Dreams Don’t Die written by: Patricia McCabe @tricia_mccabe Dreams don’t just die and fade away. They attach...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
ANCHORED YET ADRIFT Dilip Mohapatra·May 30, 2020ANCHORED YET ADRIFT written by: Dilip Mohapatra @dilipmo The signal warns of imminent peril the waves are wild...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·1 min read
Dog Barks Camille·May 12, 2020Dog Barks written by: Camille @gowerrichelle75 Dog barks. Velvet night. Jasmine breeze. Moon suspended, ever watchful. Casting...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Time That Is Gone Sharmila Mitra·April 17, 2020Time That Is Gone written by: Sharmila Mitra The music of the dance hall is no more. All...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Drifting Halo Mark Tulin·November 14, 2019A Drifting Halo written by: Mark Tulin @Crow_writer The cool of the ocean and the warmth of...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Further and Further Fotoula Reynolds·August 28, 2019Further and Further written by: Fotoula Reynolds I watch as shadows Spill down your Shoulders and even...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Why Can’t I Joan McNerney·August 24, 2019Why Can’t I written by: Joan McNerney become a poem drifting in cyberspace? clinging to this material...EnglishPoetry·1 min read