The Street Fair Bruce Levine·June 21, 2023The Street Fair written by: Bruce Levine @brucelevine19 A cool breeze Drifted through the window screen Refreshing...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Outskirts Tim Goldstone·March 21, 2023Outskirts written by: Tim Goldstone @muddygold Childhood: the middle of a long Summer, early Saturday evening, Birmingham,...LiteratureEnglish·2 mins read
Kiss of Death Teodora Vamvu·March 6, 2023Kiss of Death written by: Teodora Vamvu @teodora_vamvu One day, I opened my eyes and flew out...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
Dawlish Fair Spillwords·September 25, 2022Dawlish Fair a poem by John Keats Over the hill and over the dale, And over the...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Bear, Wolf and Dragon Stanley Wilkin·February 1, 2022Bear, Wolf and Dragon written by: Stanley Wilkin @catalhuyuk On wasted land the dragon roared, Unfurled its...EnglishPoetry·6 mins read
Games of Chance Mike Turner·August 7, 2021Games of Chance written by: Mike Turner @SchoonerSkipper Get thee behind me, Satan! Shall we engage in...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·1 min read
She Moved Through The Fair Nigel de Costa·November 28, 2020She Moved Through The Fair written by: Nigel de Costa “When dew falls on meadow and moths fill...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Pumpkin Seeds Jim Bates·September 15, 2020Pumpkin Seeds written by: Jim Bates Dad said that because Grandpa fought in the war we should...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·12 mins read
The Bangle Seller Rana Preet Gill·December 11, 2019The Bangle Seller written by: Rana Preet Gill @DrRanaPreetGill He was sitting with an uncharacteristic candor swatting...EnglishLiterature·8 mins read
Chester and the Hummingbird Fair M.F. Harding·June 3, 2019Chester and the Hummingbird Fair written by: M.F. Harding Chester was white. I know what you’re thinking....EnglishLiterature·19 mins read
You Go George Koshy·March 14, 2019You Go… written by: George Koshy @georgekoshy The World’s just not a fair place. But then, whoever...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Leave Me Fair Beth Tremaglio·February 19, 2019Leave Me Fair written by: Beth Tremaglio @TremaglioBeth Worldly Beauty, a whim craving lusts shallow endless numb...EnglishPoetry·1 min read