Of Closure and Sundry
Of Closure and Sundry written by: Agbeye Oburumu Within the depths of youth’s crevices, shattered remnants tarry...
When You Find Your Center
When You Find Your Center written by: Kate Leo My heart threatened to pound out of my...
Nobody’s Daughter
Nobody’s Daughter written by: Diana Burns The poet slumps bleeding, her limits, not heeding turning pain into...
The Investigation
The Investigation written by: Roy Eisenstein @eyezenmedia I write from the vein Bleeding my ink It’s an...
The Moonshiner Poet
The Moonshiner Poet written by: Troy DeFrates Wistfully scribbling frantic notes to capture ethereal emotions and feelings,...
Acoustical Physics
Acoustical Physics written by: Anabell Donovan It’s not complicated, paper cups and a string. He pulls a...
Two Scribblers
Two Scribblers written by: Jennifer Christiansen @JChristiansen13 Two scribblers, strangers yet intimate in ink, he a word...
Death Poem V
Death Poem V written by: Cindy Medina @Cindy_M65 This world, to what may I liken it? To...
Cosmic Ordering to Unfurl Poetry
Cosmic Ordering to Unfurl Poetry written by: Akhila Siva @wordsandnotion Dear universe, Love defines me and poetry...
Chemical Fume
Chemical Fume written by: Sirishty Thakur Ever since my ink started revolving around your nucleus These words...
A Book Without Page Numbers
A Book Without Page Numbers written by: Bipul Banerjee When I write a book about life I...
Embers of My Dream
Embers of My Dream written by: Tapeshwar Yadav Burn me mahogany Taking embers of my dream Before...
To Call Upon You
To Call Upon You written by: Troy DeFrates Please allow me to call upon you we do...
The Land of Poets
The Land of Poets written by: Pragya Singh Lilac skies above are soaked in liquid madness. Sombre...