The Child Inside
written by: Tracey McEachran
Put your ear to my heart
In the place there are no words
Just ripples of fear
I play
And laugh
So the feelings go away
To a deeper place
Of silence
And every now and then
I feel sick
I don’t know why
So I run fast and the feeling disappears
Hidden from me
Hidden from you
For another day
They surface in some other way
I run and the feelings go away
Until I can run no more
The body keeps the score
Eventually I dig the well or
Learn to tell
My fears that are now distorted
To some rationale explanation
To chew over and recover
Is it an ungraspable illusion
The fear buried deep inside
In feelings not words
Don’t ask me to articulate
Just put your ear to my heart
And Listen
I am forever curious about the tension between our need as humans to both be unique and to belong to a tribe. How we balance our need to honour our essence whiles building attachments. The poem explores this tension.
- The Child Inside - October 14, 2021
- Be Still My Beautiful Soul - March 12, 2018