The Haunted Manor
written by: Kati Fado
to this house you come from the basement.
there, in jars with formalin shoot fingers of infants. as metro-
nom introduces silent killers in non-tact – metallic and liquid
as plasma. no splash. no pardon. the butler with eyes of gas
leads shadows of riders into the room of worms. there, each spreads
its own bill – unregulated.
to this window, you peek from under the ground.
there, birds chat elegies with no boundaries. from clouds hang screens,
further shifts displayed in digitals – fully automatic, the dust in mouth.
someone let go a tie at the edge of life. it isn’t that they don’t know your
name; everyone has the code on their face. saved with the ribbons of acids
insatiable with blood.
to this chimney, you fall from the sky.
there are all the sparks – of memory when you were a child – without
Santa Claus. when you prayed for a few cherries from the lips of that girl
who wasn’t from The Angels. she stuck a thorn in your eye and then
rolled on – smooth and dark – that’s all. the whole evil.
it is too crowded, and no one gets out
but still they ask.
- Alice and Sisters - May 20, 2024
- The Haunted Manor - February 9, 2024