The Thing Is, a poem by Grace Y. Estevez at

The Thing Is

The Thing Is

written by: Grace Y. Estevez



The little things that capture life,
snippets of songs, echo all night.
Some words can cut just like a knife,
yet those same words, can bring delight.

The smallest things at times grow big,
if no one ever handles it.
A strong green branch still carries twigs,
light sees the dark, while dark is lit.

The trivial things that haunt a mind,
can bring confusion and great strife.
A good heart may feel so unkind,
swallowing lessons throughout life.

The true things carried deep inside,
joys or sorrows, cause teary eyes.
A lie or truth that tries to hide,
is someday destined to arise.

The best things can come well disguised,
while in a growth test, hearts may cry,
yet that same heart may be surprised,
to learn it is prepared to fly.

The mistakes that at times feel right,
allow laughter to glow its shine,
so that the dull can become bright,
opposites dance until entwined.

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