Thread Count
written by: Daniel Deschenes
I have been walking for a long time
I was even able to run once
The sun is setting behind me
I can still feel the warmth
I had a friend when I started walking
I lost them when I bit the apple
It was rotten like the last time
I was hoping it would be different
I had a picture from before
I held it close to my chest
I think I dropped it though
I don’t hold tight like I used to
My friend and I are in the picture
The sun was so bright that we had to squint
You can see my friend’s house
The door was always open
My bruises were bone-deep then
Purple stains on thin skin
My friend always stood beside me
So no one else could see
I have scabs now
They are the crooked seams
Where you helped knit me back together
I don’t like that color yarn anymore
I think I can stop the unraveling
I can ask my friend to help
They aren’t far
I can see their house
But I would have to tell them
I picked at my scabs
I pulled at the thread
Now I can’t stop pulling
I have been standing for a long time now
I can’t stop bleeding
The sun has set behind me
It’s cold, and I have nothing to wear
- Winter’s Weight - June 17, 2023
- Thread Count - March 24, 2023