The Valley of Life, a poem by Sunmy Brown at
Tim Hill

The Valley of Life

The Valley of Life

written by: Sunmy Brown



The Sun shines its rays over the rolling hills
Giving warmth and light to the lush valley below
Thirsting for the embrace from the heavens above

Cascading water flowing down stream
Sweeping across smooth, slippery rocks
Like an avalanche rolling down a jagged mountain

The birds soaring high above the crystal blue sky
Stretching its wings, brimming with pride
Higher and Higher they fly, free, and full of grace

The wind ascends like a crescendo
Blanketing the valley below
Clouds moving in, stirring the sky above

Darkness intrudes the bountiful valley
Shadows creeping in and usurping its light
Eradicating the beauty that once was

With ribbons of rain drops falling down
Faster and mightier as the storm rushes across
The valley below, the Earth drunk on water from the skies

The gushing water powers forward in the gully
Breaking the dams the beavers assembled
Tides crush the brittle branches

The sun breaks open with its powerful light
The shadows dissipate into thin air
The Earth baptized, now ready for new life

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