Torn Pages Of The Diary written by Pratibha Gupta at

Torn Pages Of The Diary

Torn Pages Of The Diary

written by: Pratibha Gupta


Thrown away into the bin,
Shredded immediately to disappear,
Torn mercilessly to ruin existence.
Everything was meant to be,
when I murdered.
Yes, I did.
I killed those feelings,
in the written pages,
one by one.
When I weeded them out,
they bleed,
they plead.
Some words were just about to breathe,
like an embryo, a small seed.
How cruel I was!
Stone heart,
to decide a life of a page,
to finish it on the zero age.
Oh no! I was a criminal.
What else could I do?
Yes, I ran fastly to that bin.
Full of guilt,
for repentance of my sin.
As I was pouring the pages out,
Souls of their rustled to shout.
I touched them gently.
I opened them carefully.
So, are you listening diary lovers?
The killer was trying to give them life.
I fixed the pages in the diary
to overcome the grief.
I knew that I can’t get them alive,
So by recreating those writings
I changed my belief.
Once a murderer, once a creator,
Now a writer.

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