A Ghost Under The Bed written by Dimitris Bonovas at Spillwords.com

A Ghost Under The Bed

A Ghost Under The Bed

written by: Dimitris Bonovas


“Can you fly with broken wings?” That’s the question…

Sometimes, my dreams come and visit me. But not in a good way. Not with joy and pleasure. They’re coming like big, dark, scary beasts. Like voices in my head. Like a creepy shadow on my wall. And they want revenge. They want to destroy me because I wasn’t able to accomplish them. I wasn’t able to fight for them, to give all my life for them.
You see, I grew up. Or, to put it better, I changed. I became a part of this big, cruel world and I forgot that “once upon a time” I was a kid. And I had dreams. I buried them in a basement made of fears and insecurities. I threw the key away and went on with my life.

But moments like this are heavy.
Moments that remind me of who I was and what I wanted to be.
And I’m not what I wanted to be.

You see, I grew up. Or, to put it better, I changed…

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