Change Can Be Beautiful, written by Glenmck at

Change Can Be Beautiful

Change Can Be Beautiful

written by: glenmck



Back in October, I happened across a sign on the side of the road that said, “Fall Is Nature’s Reminder That Change Is Beautiful.”

It’s a simple, yet profound statement if you think about it.

If that cute little quote is true, then why can change be so difficult for us. For many, the difficulty stems from the sense and reality that change is fraught with much unknown. And without us “knowing all” or “having all our ducks lined up in a row,” we often refrain from taking risks.

One constant in life that is the same for all of us, is there are always risks associated with change.

We get so highly focussed on the negatives associated with any change, thus we tremble at the thought of embracing any good that might come out of it.

Change is not a bad word and change is not always bad.

Change Can Be Beautiful.

The reality is, change can be the first step that brings something new and exceedingly positive into our lives. Granted, taking that first step can be a huge hurdle and challenge to overcome, but the results can be so very sweet.

New crops don’t appear in the fields until the old ones are harvested; winter doesn’t end until the season changes to spring; reds, oranges, and yellows don’t come to the trees until the leaves change colour.

Change Can Be Beautiful.

For change to happen, stuff needs to get left behind. One thing ends, but something new begins. We leave part of our past to make change for new and exciting.

In the fall, trees and leaves changing colour are really the last moments of their season for that year. One chapter of the tree’s life is ending, but that’s necessary for there to be a new season; a springtime rebirth six months down the road.

When one part of our life ends, it can seem strange or uncomfortable. But, it doesn’t have to be. There is beauty in change; in learning a valuable lesson; opening a new chapter in our life. When the leaves turn colour and eventually fall to the ground, we know that within a very short period of time there will be new life and growth.

And much as in the life cycle of a tree, things need to fall away and change in our own world for new growth to happen.

To quote a well-worn phrase, “fall is a season of turning over a new leaf.”

The fall and leaf changes are a super example that change can be beautiful. We can learn so much from nature and the outdoors. Many of the answers we desire are right there in front of us if we simply take the time and effort to look for them.

Change is one of the many things that really what makes nature a beautiful sight to behold.

The same can be for us.

Is something coming to a close in your life right now?; something you need to let go of? Remember, the end of one chapter means the start of a new chapter. It certainly doesn’t mean the end of the book.

What the chapter is or how it evolves is up to you though.

Changes can be and usually are uncomfortable, but new growth and changes are inevitable and are part of life.

But like the fall season, there is beauty in change.

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