A Special Christmas, a poem by Nina Taylor at Spillwords.com

A Special Christmas

A Special Christmas

written by: Nina Taylor


‘Times have been hard’ the old lady said
As she pushed back the covers on her old wooden bed.
‘But Yuletide is coming. It’s time for some cheer.
We’ll make Christmas extra special this year.’

Down in the kitchen she bustled around.
And out of his bed the dog did bound.
The cat and the mouse joined them as well.
A busy time ahead they all could tell.

The oven was lit and pastry was rolled
For biscuits and mince pies. A sight to behold!
The smell of sweet spices filled the air
As the old lady pushed back a lock of hair.
‘Stirring the pudding is hard work indeed
But if we all lend a hand we’re sure to succeed’.

So dog, cat and mouse took turns with the dish
And as they stirred they all made a wish.
With pastries and chocolates and treats galore
It was time to prepare a little more.

When the old lady opened the kitchen door
Dog, cat and mouse couldn’t believe what they saw.
Out in the yard such a sight to impress.
A beautiful fir tree all ready to dress.

With a heave and a ho! And directions from mouse
They had the tree standing so proud in the house.
And with baubles and tinsel and a cute fairy light,
And reindeers and lanterns it was almost just right.

‘Now all that’s left is this beautiful star
That will shine through the window for those near and far’.
The old lady climbed carefully onto a chair
And lifted the brown mouse right up in the air.
Mouse placed the star on the highest bough
And everyone said ‘The tree’s perfect now!’

Stockings were hung over the fireplace
And the lady sat down with a smile on her face.
As snow started falling outside in the street
Dog, cat, and mouse snuggled down by her feet.

‘Thank you, old lady’ said little brown mouse
‘The best Christmas ever has come to our house’.
The lady got up and patted his head.
‘Yes, little mouse. Now it’s time for bed.
Goodnight, little friends. Sleep soundly and tight.
And have beautiful dreams, this Christmas Eve night’.

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This publication is part 5 of 11 in the series Old Lady, Dog, Cat and Mouse