Another Letter written by Cristina Munoz at

Another Letter

Another Letter

written by: Cristina Munoz



Committed to only my diaries
i finished writing another entry
about how it felt having you,
moulded on top of half of me,
when my body broke your fall.
After those sizzling words you said
which keep repeating in my head,
i wish i meant so much more to you
than being just a “pashing friend”
you’re ready to get next to bonk.

I’m listening to ‘MCMXC a.D.’ by ‘ENIGMA’
it’s doing nothing to ease this turmoil,
not when Uma Thurman is being sultry
from my ‘Henry & June’ poster above me
whose wild sensuality seduced Anais Nin.
When the ‘Principles Of Lust’ started playing,
i thought, how fucking appropriate,
feeling an urgent need to rip sexy June 
(she even looks like you!)
off my damn wall!

Once again i gave in.
I can’t tear any reminder of you down.
So i wrote you another letter in my diary,
i will never send.

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