Biden and Trump, a poem by Dr. K. K. Matthew at
Markus Spiske

Biden and Trump

Biden and Trump

written by: Dr. K. K. Matthew


Two opposite poles can’t meet, two in one can’t exist,
Sweetness of sourness can’t be preserved, hot and cold
Can’t strike together as cold cools the heat, heat subsides
In coldness; one to the right and the other to the left,
Reality and exaggeration won’t meet together while the
Laxity overwhelms the stubbornness, the truth won’t
Flow over lies, and lies are butterflies for few days, but
Steel mind won’t give up, laxity breaks; strong mind only
For the country but the lax mind for the world, one very
Strict for the country, for that no humanity but the other
Loose for humans irrespective of caste or creed, one holds
Holy Bible up but for the other Bible in heart, the cold wins,
The hot evaporates and the ice frozen everywhere in winter.

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