Dearly Deceitful Eye by Criss Tripp at

Dearly Deceitful Eye

Dearly Deceitful Eye

written by: Criss Tripp



I lie through life,
As I fight with stride.
Trying every time to write,
To be right aside my mind.
I hate to find my cries inside,
While I hide behind my eye.
These words are fine,
As I write each line,
My rhymes all stand defined.
But times are not as lightly thrived,
While the lies all come alive.
All it takes is all your might,
But all my might has died.
That’s why I hide behind my eye,
While the masses are all blind.
Now my life relies on lies,
As my eye will never cry.
We stand alive defying science,
Everyone is now a liar.
Believing people is a ritual,
Like we’re created equal.
Deceiving is a thieving ingredient,
Just like the social media has secrets.
If you don’t believe me,
You don’t have to heed me;
For you too may be deceiving.
As in the end, I’m in my head,
Just waiting to be dead.
I’ve stood attested as I try,
Detesting at best, the test of time.
As slightly as it spitefully winds,
No signs of lies can be sighted;
As this time reverberates in silence.
So while I’ve lied I’ll hide behind,
My dearly deceitful eye.

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