The War of Words Criss Tripp·October 25, 2023The War of Words written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp “He’s always been a better man, and an...EnglishFeatured Post13 Days of HalloweenLiterature·19 mins read
Hurting Me Criss Tripp·November 16, 2021Hurting Me written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp Alone I appreciate as darkness envelopes me. Develops me discernibly,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Defeated Me Criss Tripp·August 5, 2021Defeated Me written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp I secede to be seen. Supersede to succeed. Then proceed...Featured PostEnglishPoetry·2 mins read
Imagine Criss Tripp·June 1, 2020Imagine written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp Imagine you’ve lived several lives before the one you’re currently living,...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Invisible Criss Tripp·April 10, 2020Invisible written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp You used to be someone, that I held with reverence. You...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
After Apricity Criss Tripp·February 6, 2020After Apricity written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp I never cared about losing… Until I lost myself. But...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·5 mins read
Frequently Criss Tripp·July 14, 2019Frequently written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp Frequently I feel free, yet need to ream a dream. Streams...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·2 mins read
Fear Criss Tripp·October 25, 2018Fear written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp I’m inside your coffee, and inside your movies. Between your sheets,...Featured Post13 Days of HalloweenPoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
Reprehensible Criss Tripp·October 7, 2018Reprehensible written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp A comprehensible confessional, Regarding a highly debatable; Unbelievable past participle. The...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·2 mins read
Dog In The Darkness II Criss Tripp·June 13, 2018Dog in the Darkness II written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp I’ve changed my shameful ways, too late...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Faceless Criss Tripp·January 18, 2018Faceless written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp I’m soulless, porous, and nervous; With goals, that no one will...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·2 mins read
J.Kerr Criss Tripp·October 30, 2017J.Kerr written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp Everyone knows, or heard my name; Most of those ones, declare...Featured Post13 Days of HalloweenPoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
Dog in the Darkness Criss Tripp·September 18, 2017Dog in the Darkness written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp My cries are heard, as spoken word. But...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Trapped Archer Criss Tripp·August 31, 2017Trapped Archer written by: Criss Tripp @CrissTripp Tonight it’s time, I must decide. Which way to cross,...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·2 mins read