Honesty, a poem written by Aida at Spillwords.com
Abdulla M



written by: Aida


A glow on one’s moral character,
that exudes openness
to see what needs to get rid of..like
old habits, doubts, guilts, regrets over past
failures and sin-stained heart.

A person must be humble and ready
to accept changes in every decision,
opinions and characters of an afflicted person,
who wants to have an honest living.

It all depends on every situation of a person if,
the mind is ready and open to embracing a clean life.
Even if you think, your past life will disqualify you
from leading a good life,
it’s not too late to do what’s best.

Honesty is more valuable than gold,
tested on fire, more charming than the outward
beauty it possesses.
The reflection it creates brings radiance and
beautiful aura of a sincere and straightforward person.

Soon you will realize how your forthrightness
can lead to a better future..an opportunity for your
character to grow and glow on kindliness.

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