written by: Ansul Noor
This cannot be happening, what have we done.
We have ravaged this world- the spirit has flown.
Every violent act- either sword or pen,
the mantle burns- the corruption blends.
Slaughter of innocents—-murder foul!
The clouds shed tears, our souls live in drought.
Has conscience been shackled, fed poison and turned?
Have we forgotten the language- the one of the womb?
Has religion and race, been devoured by greed?
At this very moment, as my pen writhes-
a hundred huts are set alight.
A mother lays her babe to endless sleep,
where no cries are heard.
Helpless prayers—-a trembling hand, beyond darkness extends.
Soulless and blind, in limbo we reel.
This violence and hatred will smite the core.
The mantle burns- the rivers run crimson.
Redemption is a sweet illusion or perhaps a delusion?
A sliver of hope dances upon some wild wind:
Or perhaps another illusion?
Please end senseless war.