spillwords.com My Eternal Love by J.M.G.

My Eternal Love

My Eternal Love

Original Poetry by JMG

I’m like a storm, full of passionate energy that relays lightning bolts of love.

I’m like a cloud, waiting to be moved and formed by the winds of your calm soul.

I’m like a still lake, waiting for you to create ripples in my waters.

I’m like the ocean, open to change my tides by you, my beautiful moon.

I’m like a burning fire, brighter and purer the closer you get to my center.

I’m like a savanna, waiting for your monsoon of love to nourish my plains.

I’m like the night sky, waiting for your star to illuminate my darkness.

I’m like a tree, fortifying and deepening my roots into your earth in search of your loving nourishment.

I’m the sun in the morning that emanates rays of light to brighten your day.

I’m the sound in the night that gives you the calm reminder that everything will be okay.

I’m a wave of passion that crashes with force on the shores of your soul.

I’m everything that reminds you that you’re alive, and the sign, that wherever you look you will find me.

I’m the conquistador of your heart. Fearlessly, I navigate through the rough waters of life in search of the golden treasure that’s your soul.

I’m the titan that protects the goddess you are, for you are …

You are the breath of life that motivates and inspires my soul to achieve the ultimate perfection this world has to offer.

The purest love and eternal happiness in a world of duality; one in which our connected souls can experience a physical connection; a world that is our canvas and that our energies can paint with beautiful strokes.

A masterpiece possible only to you and me, my eternal love….

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This publication is part 2 of 3 in the series Letters of Love