written by: Jamie Santomasso
Systematized delusions silently speak
Whispering repetitious testimonials of possibles and could-be’s
Monochromatic conceptions designed by sadistic architects
Painting merciless storylines laced with deceit
Monomanic thoughts waltz with disquietude
While skeptic forgiveness remains on guard
Past transgressions repeat imagined cycles
Enduring inflicted pain with wavering fortitude
Pain bleeding from invisible lacerations
Tears cascade from bloodshot eyes
Heart left shattered by bullets of duplicity
Traumatized by dread and trepidation
Promises of change veiled by falsehoods and unrepentance
Pleads of remission fall on deafened ears
Memories of devastation stuck on replay
The desperate malefactor supplicates for a last dance
Exhausted and beaten she surrenders to resent
Betrayed by devotion and worn with exhaustion
The finale concludes its anguished run
The curtain closed by heartbreak and lament
- Perdification - March 2, 2021