The Lament Gerry S. Wojtowicz·April 28, 2024The Lament written by: Gerry S. Wojtowicz I have heard the clash of indominable wills, have seen...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
An Instant That Fills You With Canicule Walid Boureghda·March 6, 2024An Instant That Fills You With Canicule written by: Walid Boureghda I am insanely pining for your...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Snowflakes Stephen Ferrett·February 10, 2024Snowflakes written by: Stephen Ferrett Warming pink glow, sky obscured, icy blast, cascading drifts, hearts, and souls’...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Poet’s Grotto Ivor Steven·January 12, 2024A Poet’s Grotto written by: Ivor Steven @ivors20 My writer’s studio, is the littered part of my...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Life’s Laments jsburl·November 27, 2023Life’s Laments written by: jsburl little Lisa lamented life’s lullaby loudly the lyrics leading to longingly liquidy...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Woodsman and The Witch Caroline Ashley·October 19, 2023The Woodsman and The Witch written by: Caroline Ashley @Akacarolineash My house is surrounded by cats. They...EnglishLiteratureHalloween·1 min read
Lament for My Feet Deryn van der Tang·October 2, 2023Lament for My Feet written by: Deryn van der Tang @dvdtang1 Bare feet dancing through the veld...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Un Leño Jose A Gomez·March 1, 2023Un Leño written by: José A Gómez Ayer estaba yo muy contento Hoy es diferente asi lo...Jose A GomezSpanishPoetry·1 min read
The Checker Hustler’s Lament Dick Noble·February 8, 2023The Checker Hustler’s Lament written by: Richard Bishop @rbbishopwriter Augie liked to call himself a thinking man’s...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
The DStv Remote Somelele Ntamo·December 8, 2022The DStv Remote written by: Somelele Ntamo @HashtagDSK If only my owner could see Without me he...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Shadows of My Being JahArt Kushite·November 30, 2022Shadows of My Beings written by: JahArt Kushite Sadness descends upon me a gentle mantle Like a...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Blue Angel Spillwords·November 13, 2022The Blue Angel a poem by: Allen Ginsberg Marlene Dietrich is singing a lament for mechanical love....PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Sketches at The End of an Era G. Rod Hamilton·November 6, 2022Sketches at The End of an Era written by: Rando Mithlo Chasing a ghost Are you chasing...PoetryFeatured PostEnglish·2 mins read
Prairies Lament J. Iner Souster·July 28, 2022Prairies Lament written by: J. Iner Souster @iner Sound travels across open landscapes. A pack of coywolves...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read