Rural Fate, poetry by Lynn H Terry at

Rural Fate

Rural Fate

written by: Lynn H Terry


unable to accept fate
comes an escape
outside one’s self
along a country road
somewhere alone
unseen, unknown ~

one that yields peace
that heals defeat
running barefoot
is never forbidden

near a rural field,
where a day’s work
has long been done,
she’s found
nested behind
a rusty fence ~

shady trees become
a canopy, a reprieve
where tears are free
to flow… and just let be

green scenic views
help to distract
heavy blue moods
as nature soothes,
blending colors upward
to display what began
this day at end ~

for a bit
weeping slows
instincts grow
uncontrolled weakness

treasured imagination,
a chaotic mind unfolds
nowhere to go
as life becomes
a breathless panic
unable to accept
another day of fate ~

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