Hema Ravi is a part-time language trainer by profession, writer by passion. She is a poet, author, reviewer, editor (Efflorescence), event organizer, independent researcher, and resource person for English language development courses. She is the Secretary of Chennai Poets' Circle (CPC) and Connecting Across Borders (CAB) and a permanent contributing member of the ISISAR, Kolkata. Her writings have won prizes, been published in reputed newspapers and international print and online journals. She is the author of "The Cuckoo Sings Again" (collection of short stories), "Everyday English" (self tutor for students), Write Right Handwriting Series 1,2,3 (Handwriting and Comprehension books), co-author of Everyday Hindi and Sing Along Indian Rhymes.
written by: Hema
The misty white morning
gives way to a gentle breeze
freshness penetrating into hearts
Spring birds around, letting out calls
to their prospective mates,
Amidst this euphoria, the emptiness.
Gastronomical delights for the body aplenty
walk through the mansion day-long
Attenders at beck and call-
a gentle sneeze would bring the battalion into line.
At the work front, the entry into
the ivory tower ‘Restricted.’
in-house bandicoots-
monotonous, monologues mediocrity,
Gadgets seem more alive!
Endless trips to soothsayers
and spiritual giants,
their wallets and gait built some more
Magical spells vanish at their exit gates.
The sixth sense a burden than boon?
Often, the question arises- are successful people happy? What measures success?
The verse attempts to find answers to the questions in the verse.