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Spotlight On Writers – Lucinda S. Horel

Spotlight On Writers

Lucinda S. Horel


  1. Where, do you hail from?

That question is always tough for me to answer because I can claim three ‘hometowns’. My childhood was split pretty evenly between three places. 1. Nashville, TN ~ where I was born and spent all of my childhood summers. 2.  Huntington, IN ~ where I lived during the ‘wonder’ years and endured a very miserable junior high; wrought with all the typical mean girls and heartbreak. 3. Pensacola, FL~ was high school and beyond, full of white sandy beaches and ocean breezes. And, “no” my dad was not in the military. :). And there are about 4 others places I have called home in my adult years.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

I now call South Carolina home. It is a very gracious and beautiful place to live. What I enjoy most about it is that I’m only 2 hours from the beach and 2 hours to the mountains.  What SC lacks in size it makes up for in geographical diversity. We even have a National Park!

  1. What turns you on creatively?

I’d have to say emotions and music are usually what inspire me to express myself creatively.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

Surrender ~ because it has a yearning and longing feel along with a ‘letting go’ feel. It’s one of those words that really evokes a strong response.

” surrender your will and your love will follow ”

  1. What is your pet peeve?

People who are unwilling to think outside the box or can only ‘see’ something their way. My reality is not defined by your experience and vice versa.

  1.  What defines Lucinda?

That’s difficult to answer~ I think I’m fluid and always changing but one constant is my curiosity and interest in growing and continuing to strive to learn how to love better each day.

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This publication is part 9 of 442 in the series Spotlight On Writers