…On Poetry and Fiction Just “One Word” Away (“Cats”)
…On Poetry and Fiction Just “One Word” Away (“Cats”) written by: Phyllis P. Colucci @FictionTarot One word...
Witches Cats
Witches Cats written by: Jaya Avendel @AvendelJaya Witches cats Steal the night Paint themselves with charcoal; The...
Halloween Catku
Halloween Catku written by: Patricia Carragon @BrownstonePoets black cat witches fly over pumpkin patch litter boxes by haunted...
Mouse written by: Steve Carr @carrsteven960 First Session: “Please have a seat.” Brenda McCorsky sits on the...
Rescued written by: Jenise Cook @jenisecook “Look at her.” “Which one?” “The red sweater. Quick, sit up,” Felix...
CHRISTMAS WITH CATS written by: Dianne Moritz Just days before Christmas, the house is a mess. I’m...
Kitty Amour
Kitty Amour written by: Verona Jones @VeronaJ57 It’s a glorious spring day as Helios smiles upon the earth....
Ouija Tales
Ouija Tales written by: Stephanie Musarra @dungeonwriter39 “Do you really think that this place is haunted?” Samantha asked,...
Troll Cats
Troll Cats found poetry written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat Troll Cats are a thing heading back to...
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