Circus in Three Rings
Circus in Three Rings a poem by Sylvia Plath In the circus tent of a hurricane designed...
Hitch Hiker
Hitch Hiker written by: Jeff Flaig Maybe if I walked a little faster, I’d warm up. I...
Wrinkled Illusion
Wrinkled Illusion written by: Sergio A. Ortiz @Saore rented desensitized scalpel saline water fat injection you rave...
A Dragoness
A Dragoness written by: Theodora Oniceanu @YumeAkira With wrath my tears destroy you day by day, A...
Circus written by: Liam Flanagan @LFlanaga Roll Up Roll Up Boy do we have some entertainment for...
Send In The Clowns
Send In The Clowns written by: Mark Kodama I When my father took me to the circus, there...
The Day The Circus Came To Town
The Day The Circus Came To Town written by: Roger Turner @titansdad The posters said tomorrow At...
The Pink Cardin
The Pink Cardin written by: Dan Morey In Rome, creativity comes in many forms. As you walk...
Fit Under My Desk
Fit Under My Desk found poetry written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat fit under my desk considering circus...