When I Love Spillwords·February 13, 2022When I Love a poem by Nizar Qabbani When I love I feel that I am the...EnglishLiterary GreatsPoetry·1 min read
Zodiac Men Angel Edwards·February 10, 2022Zodiac Men written by: Angel Edwards The Goat Man A man born in a year of the...PoetryEnglish·3 mins read
Dolly Danger Phyllis Schwartz·November 1, 2021Dolly Danger A Frighteningly Short Halloween Tale written by: Phyllis Schwartz This is the story of Beebis....EnglishLiteratureHalloween·1 min read
The Painting of The White Horse Patrick McAteer·October 29, 2021The Painting of The White Horse written by: Patrick McAteer The night crept up on the evening...LiteratureHalloweenEnglish·6 mins read
Llorona Robert Walton·October 27, 2021Llorona written by: Robert Walton Joaquin Murrieta pushed open the Gem Saloon’s door and stepped into cool,...EnglishLiteratureHalloween·6 mins read
Lil’ Matador Charles R. Bucklin·August 19, 2021Lil’ Matador written by: Charles R. Bucklin My mother must have turned some heads the day she...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·8 mins read
Traktat o Kolorach XIX Konrad Stawiarski·February 7, 2021Traktat o Kolorach XIX written by: Konrad Stawiarski Do Tomu Krucjata w Płomień Elojzo, na Boskim Oceanie...PoetryPolishInternational·2 mins read
Wild Horses Edward Donnelly·July 9, 2020Wild Horses written by: Edward Donnelly @odetoapoet Humans are often inured by people who chase the saints...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The $80 Champion Pete Black·May 15, 2020The $80 Champion written by: Pete Black February 1956 – New Holland, Pennsylvania It was a snowy...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
Because I Could Not Stop For Death Spillwords·April 26, 2020Because I Could Not Stop For Death a poem by: Emily Dickinson Because I could not stop for...EnglishLiterary GreatsPoetry·1 min read
My Paso Fino Joni Caggiano·March 7, 2020My Paso Fino written by: Joni Caggiano @theinnerchild1 Torrents of rain relentlessly fell from the night’s heavy...PoetryEnglish·4 mins read
She Smiled and Said Cary Chrysler (skyinthegrass)·February 27, 2020She Smiled and Said written by: Cary Chrysler (skyinthegrass) @skyinthegrass Whose light fell, once the sky cleared....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Country Likes Hit Marius Surleac·December 27, 2019Country Likes Hit written by: Marius Surleac gramps calls the geese with a deluge of kernels amethyst...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Hernia Alan Britt·December 7, 2019Hernia written by: Alan Britt Love had a hernia, & what a love affair it was. Razor...EnglishPoetry·1 min read