A House Upon The Heights Spillwords·November 26, 2023A House Upon The Heights a poem by: Emily Dickinson A House upon the Height — That...Literary GreatsPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Spring is Love Eddie D. Moore·November 16, 2023Spring is Love written by: Eddie D. Moore @EddieMoore27 Finn held his wings folded in place as...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
Falsity in a Shifting Shadow Ken Allan Dronsfield·September 6, 2023Falsity in a Shifting Shadow written by: Ken Allan Dronsfield @KenKadfield Time moves at the pace of...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
I Was Never Brave Brad Osborne·August 15, 2023I Was Never Brave written by: Brad Osborne I did not set out to be brave My...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Sorprendimi Caterina Alagna·August 6, 2023Sorprendimi written by: Caterina Alagna Sorprendimi ad afferrare ciuffi di nuvole increspate come onde baciate dal sole....PoetryInternationalItalian·1 min read
Sunrise is a Lousy Lover Nolcha Fox·August 2, 2023Sunrise is a Lousy Lover written by: Nolcha Fox @FoxNolcha leaving me before I wake. She promises...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Never Let Her Go Wendy Markel·July 3, 2023Never Let Her Go written by: Wendy Markel His fragile bones Will throb like glory In the...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Before The Storm Robbie Pruitt·April 3, 2023Before The Storm written by: Robbie Pruitt @robbiepruitt The sunset before the storm looms like sorrow before...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Nature Speaks Zubair Ahmed·November 29, 2022Nature Speaks written by: Zubair Ahmed Out of what you reap? such a big heap; What do...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
I Could Write… Mitch Bensel·October 11, 2022I Could Write… written by: Mitch Bensel @MitchRambling i could write of the rising sun …or tell...Featured PostEnglishPoetry·1 min read
Sunrise Dewan Mukto·September 28, 2022Sunrise written by: Dewan Mukto @DewanMukto Yawning from the palaces in the sky, Ascending from the womb...PoetryEnglish·2 mins read
Glowing Sunrise Jeff Flesch·September 21, 2022Glowing Sunrise written by: Jeff Flesch @FleschJeff one, two, and three are the stars I count in...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Horizon Help RhymeRula·August 19, 2022A Horizon Help written by: RhymeRula @IamtheRhymeRula The dawn began spreading faster and faster Grasping a pen...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Tequila Shivani Kamal·August 13, 2022Tequila written by: Shivani Kamal A distilled spirit from the Jaslican highlands First known as pulque In...EnglishPoetry·1 min read