1970 DC Diamondopolous·March 5, 20221970 written by: DC Diamondopolous Drunk and stoned, Scott staggered out the door of the Whiskey a...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·4 mins read
Becoming Kitty Carol Stigger·January 23, 2022Becoming Kitty written by: Carol Stigger Lily Katherine felt squashed like a fly beneath a steel boot....EnglishLiteratureFeatured Post·40 mins read
Homegrown Sheila Henry·June 23, 2021Homegrown written by: Sheila Henry @sheila_henry17 They shout hatred as blood flows through veins full of rage...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Jump Off The Train Russell Colclough·April 2, 2021Jump Off The Train written by: Russell Colclough Dust bowl 1930s USA Jump off the train Well,...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
I’m Sure I Would Have Made It There John Dorroh·January 11, 2021I’m Sure I Would Have Made It There written by: John Dorroh @DorrohJohn If I had moved...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Our President Spillwords·November 1, 2020Our President a poem by Katharine Lee Bates GOD help him! Ay, and let us help him,...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Paul Revere’s Ride Spillwords·July 5, 2020Paul Revere’s Ride a poem by: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of...EnglishLiterary GreatsPoetry·3 mins read
United States Of Hysteria Geovanni Villafañe·August 14, 2017United States of Hysteria written by: Geovanni Villafañe @RezZureKtedPoeT I don’t scare easily, not bound by your...Spilled HistoryEnglishPoetry·3 mins read
Ode to the United States Military Phyllis P. Colucci·July 4, 2017Ode to the United States Military written by: Phyllis P. Colucci @FictionTarot Happy 4th of July America!...EnglishPoetryPhyllis P. Colucci·1 min read
4th of ….. Don Knowles·July 4, 20174th of ….. written by: Don Knowles @DonKnowles3 This land these fields and rolling hills These streams...PoetryEnglish·1 min read