Spotlight On Writers - Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier

Spotlight On Writers

Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier



  1. Where, do you hail from?

This glorious gem planet is my earthly home. I hail from a small farm in WPA .. but I love to roam.
I also lived for years in a PIT .. something to bemoan.

A pit called an “eating disorder.” For 20 years I lived there: addicted .. hiding .. ashamed .. isolated. In a dark place .. a prison of my own making.
Now two and half decades have passed. I am delivered from that pit. I am FREE. Looking back, I can see the loss as “years the locusts ate.” Yet from that place of loss, I have experienced great gain.
God has delivered me from going down to the pit and I shall live to enjoy the light of life.
For with You is the fountain of life; In Your Light we see light.” – Psalm 36 & Job 33

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

When I was growing up ..
I loved playing in trees with my brothers and sisters .. building tree houses. Pretend homes for children. I did not realize until decades later the lovely lessons that trees taught me.

To be planted ..
Trees grow where they are planted. In like, I have learned to grow where I am planted. I am determined to blossom where I am. Even when conditions may not be optimal.

To be a refuge ..
In the same way that trees provide shade for flowers and forest creatures, I want my home to be known as a place of welcome and refuge for family & friends. A loving nest. A place of peace. If I really could live in a tree I would want the branches to be filled with singing birds for their songs remind me to be grateful.

To be a “grace-full” tree ..
I have learned to bend before I break. Even when I’m laden down in some icy life storm, the love found in grace helps me to bend .. to FORGIVE.

Trees grow toward the light.
I love being “in His Light.”

  1. What turns you on creatively?

What LIGHTS me up?
.. inspires me
.. drives my passion
.. guides my purpose
.. ignites my CURIOSITY
.. brings me contentment & JOY
I will confess it took too long to know the answers.
Upon coming into His Light .. I am learning the art
Of sowing to my spirit and connecting to my heart
This searching introspection has set my heart ablaze
.. activating my CREATIVITY in life’s mysterious maze

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

Could it be that Grace is written in the clouds
Beckoning to the masses .. callings to the crowds

“Look up”

Grace is forgiveness waiting to be found
In patient silence .. a song without sound

Grace imparts LIGHT to those who will see A hidden FORCE that wants you to be FREE From condemnation .. to become all you can be His Grace is “SUFFICIENT” for you and for me
There is One who came in love from above: full of Truth & Grace
His earthly mission was to die on a cross .. taking our place
Making eternal life possible for the dying human race

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Growing greed and the spirit of conformity washing over the world is both deeply troubling.
Greed is a THIEF
Greed is never satisfied.
Greed requires you to pay MORE but receive LESS
.. with consequences in both in the physical & the spiritual realm ..
Greed reduces quality and VALUE resulting in architected obsolescence

The dark side of conformity is a form of tyranny. It is at the root: spiritual.
Cooperate or be crushed. Silenced.
The world is bent on CONFORMING people to its pattern. This spirit has no regard for age. In fact, there is a high priority to conform our youth.
Those conformed will find it difficult to DREAM. And sadly, will not recognize the loss of freedom or DIMINISHED creative ability. The shrinking of the soul and spirit makes hearts grow hard.

  1. What defines Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier?

Something not seen. My faith.

The journey of life should be a journey of GROWTH to be fully human: body, soul and spirit.
Human beings are always in process and should be open to and able to recognize the moments and the opportunities to GROW.
These MOMENTS may synchronously appear as: serendipity, epiphany, or coincidence.
Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see.” – Carl Jung
How does one “see” .. recognize these moments? The key is to have an open mind and open heart.
I have learned that the ability to be open-minded, encourages my heart to be open too. This becomes a well-spring from which answers flow.
We need to expand internally with intentionality to see the world expanding and the fullness of potential & possibilities. We also live with the great error that the heart has no capacity to see for itself, giving credit only to what our eyes see.” – Ali Anani
.. an epiphany ..

It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for (identity & purpose are here)
Long before we heard of Him .. he had his eye on us .. designs on us for glorious living. It is part of the overall purpose that He is working out in everything and everyone.” – Ephesians 1
I am witness: spiritual growth is the catalyst for all human growth.
In a moment comes belief.
In time: with spiritual growth comes “Faith”
In the journey of “glorious living” .. Faith walked produces transformation.

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This publication is part 336 of 431 in the series Spotlight On Writers