A Helping Hand, poetry by Abhishek Punyani at Spillwords.com
Hanna Morris

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand

written by: Abhishek Punyani



In the tapestry of life, where shadows fall,
A helping hand emerges, answering the call.
In moments of need, both dark and grand,
A symphony of kindness, A Helping Hand.

Brothers and sisters, friends so true,
Unseen heroes in the daily view.
Their touch, a balm, when spirits tire,
Igniting hope, rekindling the fire.
In the depth of despair, a lifeline cast,
An anchor strong, holding you at last.

Doctors with wisdom, healers of the heart,
Nurturing souls as a form of art.
Soothing the wounds that the world may demand,
A testament to the strength of a helping hand.
No judgment, just support, together we stand,
United in purpose, extending a helping hand.

Through storms of the mind, where shadows loom,
A beacon of understanding, a flower bloom.
In the dance of existence, a gesture so grand,
The world is transformed by a helping hand.
For in lifting others, we ourselves expand,
This is the symphony of the helping hand.

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