A Salty Embrace, poetry by Francisco Bravo Cabrera at Spillwords.com

A Salty Embrace

A Salty Embrace

written by: Francisco Bravo Cabrera


She turned to salt like Lot’s wife…
One should never look back to the place
where one once lived one’s life…

She left her image in my mind,
like a marble statue,
staring silently into the night, to see what one should never see…

Salt covered her lips,
frozen, parted and white.
Like a kiss or a goddess,
one can never forget,
the most crucial link in a long twisted chain.

I will always regret
having left her alone,
like a dream when one wakes,
like a pillar of stones,
left in a valley for others to find,
after hundreds of years have elapsed.

On the sands of our beach her impression remains,
embedded on the shore,
with a salty embrace.

A kiss with gold lips,
rotted love by the rain,
forgiveness not sought
indifference, pain.

A glance with closed eyes cannot witness the dawn,
they can only see how we’ve remained so alone.

Because her body of salt remains cold,
and the years have erased what we’ve drawn on the surface of our fragile skin,
we forgot what we were,
to learn how to begin.

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