Concentrically Radiating from My Core, poetry by The Barefoot Cajun at
Ben Collins

Concentrically Radiating from My Core

Concentrically Radiating from My Core

written by: The Barefoot Cajun


hate awakens me
pushing it away
it returns as a storyteller
its sound deafens me with pretense
sapping energy
it exhausts me
demonic in nature
attaching its medusa like tendrils to my heart
weakened by its ferocity
plagued by its innuendos
succumbing rage
cycled in and out as a monstrous vortex
fueled by its spewed fiction
an old friend
tending to its survival
feeding it greenish foul bile
giving it a home
rooted deeper each time my brain cerebrates its lies
ego feeds and strengthens
alas i turn my back against it
realizing my own core values of nonfiction love
there i suck upon its breasts
honey milk saturates my body
i’m love
discerning hearing
gleaning passing thoughts
i pluck them as I would delicious sweet purple figs
knowing is love
a trained mind listening to worthy nonfiction truths shielded in beautiful organic glistening love
a soul of love spreads love resonating with strong pure vibrational frequency concentrically radiating from my core

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