written by: Imeon504
Others would say – “If I knew then what I know now, I never would have…” seems with regret on missed chances or wrong turns or undecided steps…as for me, I have always known then what I know now – that death is inevitable and that at any moment it will come and claim you whether ready or not.
I have always been alone but never lonely …my lifelong motto and still stands true as of this writing. If my life is to perish within hours or days or years from this writing, I can say that I have, in my own standards, tried to live it well. The wrong turns I’ve made I do not regret because it has brought me unexpected blessings and I came to know who I am more. The series of trauma and abusive relationships in terms of emotion and well-being has made me stronger. Whatever I’ve been through has prepared me to be ready for whatever is to come and in so doing I have prepared my kids to weather all that is to come their way. I have lived life, according to my means and standards and if that is where I will be living for the rest of my remaining years, I already know what kind of life I will be living.
Not all were born with silver spoon in their mouth or were meant to walk the red carpet as time goes by, but not all were given the same shoe size in life. Fate has a way of weaving us into another one’s life; either the weave will hold or it will unravel as time goes by, but fate has a way of tying up loose threads in the end.