If Love Exists
written by: Amrita Valan
Loving is a privilege
No price you pay for love
Too much. Love’s price is never
On request but an
Individual valuation.
You made sacrifices not for love
But because it was your gift.
Joyous, spontaneous.
Love transcends exchange
A gift worth more than
Diamond refracting glory
Of mortal dust.
Love brings you to your knees
Trembling in the pew of
Hallowed adoration wrought.
Love nonchalantly delicious,
Piquant, offbeat, quaint, whimsical
On again off again,
But never off the table.
Embrace each season.
Love knows the reason.
Compute love?
Its sum stretches like pi
Into realms of infinite insanity.
Its sun travels imaginary realms
Above and beyond the axis
Of our reality.
Love cannot be purchased
Its strength is symbiosis.
Souls twinning into mirror of
Destined rendezvous.
Some affairs of the heart,
Extended one night stands,
Brokered in the marketplace
To highest bidder, are merely
Marriage of convenience
Transactional alliances of
Wall streets of desires.
Confuse love with lesser paramours
You have neither lost nor won.
You cannot lose what you never had.
Infatuation stirred a Medusa head
You died a tiny death, is it love?
What is there to resuscitate?
Dive for, to what unknown depths?
If you fear the catastrophic implosion
Of your holy submarine soul, if
Seeking Titanic depths, you know peril
Of holy quest but
Yet must dive?
Then you love.
If not, be content,
With a little fire you lit.
Call it anything, fondness, affection,
Attraction, lust, intrigue, romance.
Not Love.
Love lingers intangibly into eternities
Human hope chests cradle holy covenants.
Palm anointed tabernacles, love’s psalm
Baptises dove eyed Deborahs and Ruths,
In bewitching dew. Orisons materialise
Enlighten vision, anoint sacred ossicles
With tympanic tunes, half heard, semi sensed,
In bedazzling blindness behold the glory of love
Pure, fragrant, courageous.
Ephemeral aetheric boonsof Alethea.
It is you,
Who gave to yourself this gift.
Because you earned it over lifetimes
Lessons that etched this hourglass soul
That sifts the grains of space time
And finds the true grail.
Love. Not to hoard and guard
Possession not even one tenths of its law.
Love exists resplendent, refulgent.
Despite loss.
Sans loss.
So adieu, sorrow, soul, light-hearted be
Love’s rendezvous is ever at the crossroads
When you are lost, bemused, in difficulty.
In a splendid solitaire movement, Adagio!
Softly love arrives, banishes night.
In a once in a lifetime tryst.
- If Love Exists – Conclusion - February 21, 2024
- The Crossroads Fencer - October 23, 2023
- If Love Exists II - July 13, 2023