Journey Continues, haiku by Robyn MacKinnon at

Journey Continues

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



flails Muppet arms

No idea what happened

journey continues



Illustration description: A nebulous background created with washable marker and sprayed water on paper, resembling space or under the sea. Clouds in shades of blue, green, purple, and pink create a mottled backdrop for the figure in the centre. They are a cartoon figure with freckles and wildly floating, curly, brown hair, appearing to float sideways so that their head points left and feet point right. They’re flailing their arms around their head, and their eyes are wide, expression bewildered. They wear a light red T-shirt, blue pants, and green shoes, and their skin is somewhere between pink and orange. The words of the haiku surround the figure, a hodgepodge of colours and styles clipped from a variety of sources.

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This publication is part 344 of 393 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry