Lend A Helping Hand, drabble by Ella Etienne-Richards at Spillwords.com
Claudio Schwarz

Lend A Helping Hand

Lend A Helping Hand

written by: Ella Etienne-Richards


Panic, desperation, guilt and utter confusion, we look on bewildered, sad and somewhat angry. Others go along with their daily lives, unmoved. In searing temperature, man, woman, boy, girl all gripped with fear. Terrified of the impending sense of uncertainty. The anguish, the shock, the disorientation and sheer trepidation is etched deeply on all their faces. They ask why have you abandoned us, let us down? In this precarious moment, some flee, some stay and hope for the best. The reality of the situation is, we are all responsible to lend a helping hand because ‘We are our brother’s keeper’.

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